


  • EPL

Exercises of practical life are simply those daily actions which are normally performed by adults in the environment.  These actions portray actual situations in regular day to day life. Religious teachings and practices are also included in EPL such as teaching how to pray, greet others, drink water, start a task, knock at the door, etc.

  • Sensorial
Sensorial exercises are practiced in the Montessori classroom to help a child develop and refine his or her five senses. A young child explores the world around him through the use of all his senses. To examine an object, a child will look at it, hold it in his hands to feel the texture and weight, shake it, lick it, and even try to bite it. Each of the Sensorial material in the Montessori Classroom defines qualities like color, weight, shape, texture, size, sound, smell etc.
  • Language
A Language is considered to be a system of communicating with other people using sounds, symbols and words in expressing a meaning, idea or thought. The Montessori language follows a multidimensional approach and offers appropriate activities and materials for all areas including phonics, reading, writing, grammar and oral language in a systematic way.
  • Mathematics
A child can learn basic concepts of mathematics by using concrete materials during the years when he enjoys arranging equipment. Dr. Montessori expressed that if a child has access to mathematical equipment of this kind in his early years, he can easily understand many facts and skills of arithmetic.
  • Culture
In a Montessori classroom, experiences in life sciences, (botany, zoology), physical sciences, history, geography and arts are given to the child under the header of cultural exercises. The Montessori cultural studies curriculum provides children with an opportunity to explore the entire world including the continents, countries, people, cultures, natural phenomenon, sciences and arts. The Montessori aims for cultural studies are to help the child, develop his personality, adapt to his own culture and become an independent, useful member of the society.

Why choose Us?
We provide education according to Montessori and also keep islamic values our priority

It allows child to facilitate maximum learning and exploration

Qualified Staff
Our qualified teachers encourage children to reach their full potential.

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0322 4773753

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